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PSA for all devs: if you're gonna start your game with 5 mins of unskippable dialogue or cutscene, you're gonna lose a lot of players very early on. Add a SKIP button!!!

I mashed the X button on my controller for about 4 minutes straight and eventually gave up without ever seeing any gameplay. You should really let your players y'know... actually PLAY the game.

(3 edits)

lol, yeah a couple people said that too.
Though there actually is a skip button listed in the controls at the title screen.  Guess it wasn't labeled well enough.  
On controller you can press O to speed up the paragraph scrawl, or just hold L1 to blitz through it.

This is nicely polished. Controls are sometimes a little strange. Towards the end of the game when shift becomes useful, Sticky Keys on Windows can be a nuisance, mainly because there were sections I was holding shift for a lot of platforming.

The jump up to grab the ledge/platform mechanic was something I apparently missed the tutorial hint on as I spent quite a lot of time backtracking, not realizing there was one section where I could actually access by grabbing the platform above (that's where it leads you back to the entrance).

The one moving platform section where you encounter the "poison" room was a little confusing/frustrating. I thought I must have missed a power up until after way to long realized I could barely drop down into the room below.

Overall, very enjoyable!

Wondering if this section (upper left passage) is actually accessible, and if so, from where? I picked a powerup from that room. Can't remember which one.

(5 edits)

Thanks for playing!  I used to be annoyed by Sticky Keys when I was playing games that used Shift, which is why I always turn it off now.  I'm surprised it's still default, since I've never met anyone who uses it.  Could be worth recommending that to players though.

I did try to put an extra prompt just bellow the ledge so people wouldn't miss it, but it's not pinging so reliably.  I also wonder if I should have made the breakable walls less subtle.  Sorry about that.  Something to tweak.

Yes, that room is accessible.  Though I don't think anyone has yet, despite the credits letting you know there was an optional power-up.  Guess I hit it too well. 😅 If you'd like a hint, check the included images.  If you'd just like the answer... (View rest) vvv

There's a secret passage in the final final room.


Ah-ha!  Yes... that was really well hidden. I think because that last pulley jump can be really tricky and became my main focus I did not even consider back tracking.

The 4 keys were well hidden, and that last room with the drain switch, accessed below the map, was about the last place I looked for another room.

Very satisfying to finally finish... Still missed 1 health upgrade, but that is fine.

Great stuff :)

Favorite game in the jam so far.  The controls feel great and the platforming's really fun.