Dev Log Dump

Submission to the Metroidvania Jam.

Update 19/08/2023:
Just trying to nail down the movement.
Some rough sprite art and some rough-ish environmental art.
One sound effect.

Update 22/08/2023:
Still trying to nail down the movement (coming along OK).
I probably should focus on it more since it's the core of the game, but your attention gets pulled elsewhere.

Audio-wise, added some sound effects.
Not great at sound design, but I landed on some decent ones.
Even had  little go at a main theme.

And made a major lift from a previous game.  I was trying to build everything from the ground up, but after spending a couple of hours trying to re-figure out my parallax code (and remembering it took me a month to perfect it last time,) I just took the function whole-sale.  (With some tweaks and improvements.)
So there's some more layers to the background now.

Haven't added any combat yet, thought the stem is there (red box).
I've considered keeping it completely puzzle-based, and saving the soul traditional combat segment for some final Boss.

Forwards and so-onwards.

Update 23/08/2023:
Added doors to connect the rooms.
Right now they just instantaneously transfer the player character between locations, and use a global array to transfer over their variables such as movement and sprites, as well as their position relative to the door.

If I have time, I might integrate transitions like Hollow Knight had.  At the very least for the upwards transitions.  Sideways and falling are easy, but obviously going upwards, you're liable to fall back into the previous room.

I'm adding that to the 'polish' list thought.
Gotta focus on the meat and potatoes first.

Also added ability restraints to the code.
"Unlock" is a global struct, containing a separate variable for each ability for simplicity.
If they == 1, they're unlocked and can be used.


Update 24/08/2023:
Mainly started planning out and brainstorming level layout.
The only major addition to gameplay was moving platforms.  And as usual, they were an arse to implement.


Update 26/08/2023:
And that arse had follow-through.  (Got 'em right eventually.)
A week in and I've finally started mapping out rooms and levels.
Not making bad time.

Current scope goals:  Finish a First Act's worth of content.
What that entails:

  • Finish a set of Sprites for the main character.
  • Complete 3 platforming challenge routes to new ability upgrades. *[1]
  • Create Environmental Hazards
  • Implement Combat
  • Add a Boss Battle
  • Music & Sound Effects
  • Design conversation overlay with corresponding character sprites and story panels. *[2]

*[1] I've actually developed a lot more abilities, but this feels like a manageable amount to develop levels around.  Even Jump is unlockable.  It'll be fun to design levels around that.

Actually, I'm not sure if I'll make the routes non-linear or not.  In a full game I probably would for pacing, but in a vertical slice, it might be more effective to play into Metroidvania's appeal.

Though that would mean the challenge of designing challenges to be beatable with no abilities.

Perhaps an ideal order (get jump first), but if you don't it makes the other routes a lot harder  I could even implement an achievement for getting jump last. XD
*[2] I'm planning to design a system that I can use for the Spooktober Visual Novel Jam too.  A two birds with one stone kinda deal.  Plus they overlap 15 days, so it's also somewhat a necessity.

This will probably mean I'll only get 15 days to actually write the Visual Novel, but at least I'll have most of the engine blocked out.  I've even toyed with the idea of connecting the two games somehow.


Update 30/08/2023: Hours of testing and refining the Moving Platforms, which I can't stress enough, are a delight.  Honestly I wish they'd endlessly consumed more time.

Added a save system, environmental hazards, some music and more SFX, but mainly completed the first routes.  A little over 2 weeks less.  Providing I don't hid any more major bumps in the road, I should be able to hit my target.

The main thing it needs now is control prompts.
I don't know what time or day it is so I'm taking a break. Zzz Zzz Zzz...


Update 05/09/2023: Made  quite a few leaps since the last update.  Up to and including:

  • Adding control prompts, and a log function that records their status to the save file after they're expended.  They utilize both Keyboard and Gamepad prompts, based on whether a gamepad is active,  The icons are smooth symbols that could apply to multiple controller layouts.
  • Added ambient audio to the acid pools,  The same system can be used for other ambient audio,
  • Cleaned up the Music function (a bit) and added some okay-ish songs.  All composed during the Jam to varying degrees of quality.
  • Using some prior code as a base, I reworked some dialogue display into something more resembling a Visual Novel.  Partly because it looks neat, partly because I joined the  Jam too, and since they overlap I figured this could kill two birds with one stone.  Still needs nice sprites though.
  • Added an attack animation (that's based on a snowflake for some reason) and a crawl animation.  Bout time.
  • Using the log array, I also added Pressure Plate Buttons and sliding doors.  They use the moving platform code to activate.
  • Play-tested the Jump Route and made tweaks accordingly.  Mainly added more checkpoints since it was a bit long.
  • Still couldn't elegantly work out the Hang Dangle intersection issue.  So for now, Dangle state overwrites Hanging where applicable, and Jumping from a Dangle shifts you just high enough to avoid a hand.  This means nothing to anyone except me.
  • Added 'Under Construction' signs to the Hang and Attack Routes.

Still possible to hit all my targets
Just gotta:

  • Write and make neat art for the intro cutscene.
  • Add at least one enemy and destuctable walls.
  • Write code for attack collision.
  • Complete the Hang and Attack routes.
  • (Add a Boss?)
  • Add credits,

The idea of the centre area, is once you have Jump, Hang and Attack, you can leave the way you cam and escape the pit you're in.  I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll at least get the sprites and cutscene done.  Then I'll feel like it's in a somewhat submittable state.


Update 11/09/2023: 

OK, so I haven't added any enemies, Bosses or the extra routes yet.  (It's hot, leave me alone!)  They're still 'Under Construction'.  But attacking and breakable walls are in, and used once as described previously,

I have written the intro, and made neat art for the characters, but only single poses, no additional facial expressions/animation, or story stills.  I figure that'll suffice for now.  (Also added a footsteps SFX which I believe sounds very fetch!)

Filled in some of the missing animation (I'm pretty proud of the contextual Dangle Slide), created a custom .ico using the Save Stone sprite (which I'm also ridiculously happy with), and added a start screen with 3 save slots.

And there's a short credits section to close everything off.  I thought it'd be nice to show off some of those background assets I made, but never used since most of the game takes place underground with the same tiled rocky background.

Of course there's still time to add the other stuff, but the game feels finished enough now that I feel comfortable submitting it ahead of time.  Now that most of the presentational stuff is out of the way I can crack on with it.


Little Ghost HTD (MM21) Build-ver01 69 MB
Sep 11, 2023

Get Little Ghost: HTD (Prologue)

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